Healthcare Reform
The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, created a paradigm shift in the world of employee benefits. Employers must consider whether to continue or drop coverage, factor paying additional taxes and fees, and comply with changing regulations. Gelin Benefits Group offers a software solution to help you navigate the new employee benefits environment and maintain compliance. As part of our Affordable Care Act Analysis, we go through a detailed 3 step process.
Step 1: Examine how the ACA impacts your current benefits program, in four legal and compliance categories
A complete health care strategy summarizes total financial impact, and allows for granular assessments of cost – even if certain provisions of the law are delayed or modified
Step 2: With this research complete, we can translate compliance requirements to hard costs
We examine cost drivers by assessing fees and taxes levied against the company, as well as less obvious predictions of employee behavior based on new incentives and that exist in the local market
Step 3: Finally, we’ll decide the ideal way to navigate reform in your business
We go beyond simply calculating the cost of “no action” and highlighting penalties. We build predictive modeling scenarios to provide alternative cost outcomes.
Our Health Care Reform Auditing and Cost Modeling Analytics were built to assist employers in need of a responsive strategy tailor-made for their organization, by understanding how specific components of the law impact their organization.
Gelin Benefits Group offers you a better way to manage health and wellness. For your personalized quote, contact Gelin Benefits Group at 888-960-6146.